Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Song of the Week

Hello People,

In a lesson yesterday I was explaining to my students about the rise of the Industrial Revolution in America when my British associate, Fortescue, piped up "Always stealing from England."  Now before you get defensive, it is a common occurrence for Fortescue and myself to make jokes to one another in the midst of lessons. We share a classroom and have been known to interject on a regular basis.  My answer to his, mostly true, comment was, "At least you have us to thank for giving you punk rock."  It is one of many long standing debates between the two of us, one of which has to do with why the chicken crossed the road, about who gave the world punk rock, America or Britain. After he said, "What about the Clash and the Pistols?" My lesson briefly, but quickly, devolved into a cursory glance at the birth of punk rock as a minority within the more major rock'n'roll scene.  My students were shocked.  One student raised their hand and informed me on behalf of the rest of the class that "Mr. Strange, you don't look like you would like punk rock." I suppose I'll take that as a compliment.

The Ramones
Today Your Love Tomorrow the World

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much get that about any type of music EXCEPT Camera Obscura. It's like they're me in music form. Weird. P.S. So I really like The Band now??? Who'da thunk?!
