Friday, January 27, 2012

The Blizzard

Hello People,

There is a blizzard outside.  Well, maybe not a blizzard, but it is snowing a lot.  Maybe I'll get out of the apartment in a little while and take some pictures, but for now I have to say, its pretty wonderful to be indoors.  As I claim, somewhat wishfully, to be a native Georgian, this is quite the new experience for me.  Our third or fourth snowfall of the year and January isn't over yet!  Even Hazel was so excited by the occasion that she got out of bed before eleven on a non-school day! She has to sleep for two now after al and lets face it, this baby is half me so I'm sure it is an exhausting child.  It looks like a snow globe outside.  And as proof and celebration of the wonderfulness that is today I present to you the following video of the view from our window, put to some wonderful music by Camera Obscura. Perhaps it will ease the pain of the brown earth outside of your window, or at least rub it in a little bit. 

Hazel and I think we know the gender.  Indeed, according to our doctor we know with 90% certainty... but we aren't telling you yet. If you were looking forward to learning it, I'm sorry.  You'll have to look forward a bit further.  We will tell you little Orbit's gender almost as soon as we know for certain...or will we? (cue the dramatic music).

We are on a semester break a day early today since the school had to shut down due to so many ill teachers.  Whether the illness was that of general demeanor or actual sickness I'm not at liberty to say, but you won't hear Hazel complaining.  You may hear me though.  I may have become a bit of a workaholic.  Give me a moment's downtime and I immediately devolve into a whining puddle of boredness. Especially on days like today when there isn't any point in venturing outside.  The worst bit about days like today is the way it reminds me of the distance between me and my family and friends and the general beauty of Northeast Georgia.  Most of my communication now looks something like this...
I'm really thankful, don't get me wrong, but if there is one group of people who can cure any case of boredom its my family back home, and well, they're back home.  Skype is nice, but I want to wrestle with my little brother and tackle my sister to the ground (either one will do).  I would like to play a game of whatever and yell and talk over each other until we give our guests a headache.  That's what I miss right now.  So family, be really loud for me today, ok?  


  1. Sam and I yelled for you last night.

  2. I let sam and bonnie pick out a movie for our "Friday Family Movie Night" - they chose a documentary about the ocean narrated by David Attenborough. I fell asleep during while the whales were eating krill (again).'re not really missing much around here.
