Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Wasting

Hazel and I have made a pact.  Each of us will write and post a blog entry once a day for the entire summer. Some entries may be long, others may be short, many of them may be boring, but there you have it.
Below is a song to make you feel summery as you read this post. It is placed there in hopes that you may be lulled into a state of sleepiness thereby masking the slight feelings of boredom produced by the text below.  See how diabolical I am?

Asleep on a Sunbeam
Belle and Sebastian

School is out!  That's right, Friday was our last day.  Since then I think I've already read 5 books so by the time little Orbit gets here who knows how well read I will be?  Then again, I don't know if reading childrens' books qualifies me to call myself "well read."  I'm going to post some of the books I read here so you can expect at least a couple of my daily posts to be book reviews of things I've been reading.  At the moment I'm reading The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander.  The Disney film "The Black Cauldron" was based on the first two books of the series, but having only read half of the first book I can already tell you that they did not do a good job.  And no, this is not my usual "they turned Frodo into a wimp" rant against movies from books, but I'll have to add more about this later once I've actually read more than half of the first book.

Fairly often, recently, we have been asked about our plans for the summer.  Many people here use the summer months to either go home or explore the greater land of Telmar.  As we are expecting our newest member of the family to drop by in a few short (long-feeling) weeks, neither of these options is really very practical for us.  Its probably going to be a fairly quiet summer at first with a  lot of reading, as you can tell, and a reasonable amount of rest. But even though we aren't leaving the city and we plan on doing a lot of reading, we still have some exciting plans.  In four weeks Bess is coming!  Three cheers for family visiting!  Bess is my absolute favorite second sibling and Hazel, little Orbit, and I can't wait to see her!  I really can't tell you just how much I've missed my family so this is one of the highlights of the year by far.  Two weeks after Bess arrives, or so the doctor tells us, we can expect little Orbit to make an appearance.  Yes, yes, all you experts, I know "you can never tell with the first one,"  but we must have something to look forward to.  I am extremely excited, scared, petrified, happy, etc about this and can't even begin to write it all here.  Finally, we're going to use this time to explore the city in which we live and maybe find some of its less visited secrets.  There is so much history here and so much of it has to do with the church.  One of my goals for the summer is finding the old churches (think 1400s or earlier) and exploring them.  First day of searching coming on Saturday so keep an eye out here for pictures.

So anyway, to kick off the summer posting let me end this post with the following thought.  What is the difference between a man and a dog?  A man wears a suit; a dog only pants.


  1. Good to hear u Guys are enjoying the summer! Wish i could come visit. -tank

  2. Good ending thought. I'm glad to know that the only thing that separates men from dogs is a shirt.

    I read the Percy Jackson books (minus #5 which I'm waiting on from the library) and loved them. Now I'm reading Harry Potter all over again. Did ya'll bite the bullet and pay $58 for the ebooks? I did and it was an awesome choice. :] You could re-read LOTR. Work on memorizing Legolas' songs this time. You'd be the coolest kid on the block.

    1. The real question, Abby, is when am I not rereading LOTR? I just read the Silmarillion again but I'm holding off on the Hobbit and LOTR until next month. I don't know why. My goal is to read 100 books by the end of the year. I'm in the 40s right now so I have some catching up to do.

    2. I have no doubt that you can achieve that goal. Just stop eating and sleeping and going to work.
